How to Drive More Traffic to Your Blog

Boost your blog’s traffic by harnessing the power of authoritative backlinks. With over two decades in digital marketing, I’ve seen firsthand how strategic backlinking can elevate your blog’s visibility and authority, driving substantial traffic and setting your content apart in the competitive digital space.

Best Google Analytics Alternatives for 2024

Fathom Analytics

The best Google Analytics alternatives in 2024 for website owners seeking user-friendly, privacy-focused, and detailed analytical tools. Discover platforms like Matomo, Clicky, Mixpanel, Fathom, Plausible, and Independent Analytics, each offering unique features to enhance your site’s data insights.

The Importance of Mobile Optimization in Today’s Digital Landscape

mobile optimization

In 2024, the importance of mobile optimization and the website experience remains more critical than ever. While responsive technology in WordPress and other website builders simplifies the attainment of mobile responsiveness, this ease can lead to complacency among companies. Many neglect to rigorously test or audit their websites on mobile phones and tablets, overlooking the …

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What is Reach and Frequency?

vintage advertising signs on a barn wall

Learn about the history and the importance of reach and frequency in advertising, detailing how to calculate, interpret, and optimize these metrics for maximum campaign effectiveness, alongside FAQs to deepen understanding.